
How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day

Water is an essential sustaining matter that helps the body function. It makes up a majority of the body’s fluid and helps organs conduct their proper function. Although water is mandatory for our body, we constantly lose water throughout the day in different processes such as breathing, sweating, urinating, and bowel movement. To keep the body in proper condition, you should always replenish its water supply by drinking enough water. This begs the question; how much water is enough water?

Before we dig deep into the question, it should be noted that many different studies yield different results when it comes to the amount of water we should drink. Generally speaking, individual water consumption varies depending on many different factors such as your sex, age, environment, body weight, and daily activities.


1. Sex:

According to the U.S. National Academics of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the appropriate liquid intake depends on sex. In a general sense, it is recommended for women to drink about 11.5 cups per day which equates to 2.7 liters of water, while men need around 15.5 cups or 3.7 liters of fluids each day.


2. Age

Just as sex impact the amount of water needed, age is also one of the main considering factors when talking about fluid intake. To start, infants below the age of 6 months are not recommended to be fed plain water since they get their water needs from breastmilk or milk. Meanwhile, children over the age of 12 months are recommended to drink water as part of their daily routine. Parents should foster a water drinking habit for this age group by always having bottles of water nearby or have them carry a bottle of water when leaving for school.

For adult ages between 19-30 years old, the water intake varies depending on sex as mentioned above. However, for older adults, multiple sources recommend adopting a habit of drinking water regularly as they are more prone to dehydration due to their declining physical condition.


3. Environment

The humidity level and the temperature around play an important role in determining how much water you should consume. Although you should drink more water in the hot season due to excessive sweating, you should also watch your water intake during the cold season. This is due to the fact that cold weather significantly diminishes the body’s ability to respond to thirst.


4. Body Weight

As much as the other factors affect your body’s need for hydration, your body mass also changes the amount of water you should be drinking. As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended to consume between half an ounce to an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, that would be 75 to 150 ounces of water a day.


5. Daily Activities:

Even if other factors should be strongly considered when discussing the amount of fluid that you should consume, the activities you perform might just be one of the most important factors. This is because performing activities that require a lot of energy warms the body up in a process called metabolism. To cool the body back down, sweat which is made up almost entirely of water is excreted. A person engaging in physical activities throughout the day will always need more water than those doing tasks that require minimal energy.


As seen through the factors listed above, it is evident that the right amount of water you should consume depends on various factors, from biological factors to external factors. However, no matter how important water is for your body, you should not overconsume it either, since it could lead to overhydration. When wondering how many glasses of water you should drink, always remember, balance is key!

Drinking Water is One of The Most Important Ways for Losing Weight

Losing weight so you can look and feel better is a form of self-love that you can practice to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Your weight can be a reflection of your health, but losing weight in a healthy manner can be a struggle. However, multiple studies have shown that drinking water can benefit your health and your weight loss journey tremendously.  That is why 30–59% of US adults who try to lose weight increase their water intake! 

Water can be part of a weight-loss journey that energizes you and makes you feel proud of yourself. Here are 3 interesting reasons why drinking water is the most important way to lose weight.


1. Water is a zero-calorie substance:

Since water is naturally calorie-free, it is often considered to be an integral component of a weight loss journey. A health and examination survey conducted in the US showed that people who drink mostly water have up to a 9% lower calorie intake!

Moreover, those who are trying to lose weight should also substitute high-calorie beverages with water. By drinking water instead of those sugary beverages or soft drinks, you can decrease your calorie consumption by a significant amount. Drinking water as a substitute for sugar-added beverages also reduces the level of glucose in your blood, which can provide long term benefits for your health such as reducing the chance of diabetes, heart disease and weakened immune system. Plus, drinking water before a meal can also suppress appetite and prevent overconsumption.

Given these benefits, children should also strongly be encouraged to drink a lot of water and develop a water drinking habit in order to lower their chance of obesity. A study conducted in Germany has shown that, only by installing drinking fountains and providing education on water consumption, the risk of obesity is reduced by a whopping 31%!


2. Drinking water benefits your workout routine:

Not only does it help substitute high calories beverages, water can also improve your workout routine. Generally, working out and going to the gym is recommended for those who are looking to improve their health and physique. It is also advised by physicians that people who practice energy-consuming activities should have good hydration. It should also be noted that water can help your body function better by providing water to cool the body during a workout, allow you to work out for a longer period of time, helps the body burn calories better, and prevent symptoms of dehydration.

When working out, your body releases a lot of water to prevent symptoms of heat exhaustion such as heat cramps and heatstroke. However, this process depletes your water supply and can lead to dehydration. This is why getting enough water before, during, and after exercising can prevent dizziness, nausea, muscle cramps, and more. This is why it is usually believed that a body that is properly hydrated can perform at its best.


3. Drinking water helps your body burn fat:

Water is also an integral ingredient in metabolism – a process in which the body turns food into energy. Even more, drinking water helps reduce the percentage of body fat by increasing the rate at which body fat is burned in a process called lipolysis. That is why maintaining proper hydration on a daily will help you burn both old and new body fat. Without the presence of H20, the process of metabolism and burning down fat simply cannot occur! Even more so, getting enough water also helps your body eliminate waste through the urinary and digestive tract.


As evidenced by the benefits pointed out above, water can significantly improve your weight loss journey. A proper amount of water intake will help you achieve a healthy weight loss that will make you feel good about both your body and your health. After all, losing weight should be directed towards looking good for yourself and being happy with who you are. The next time you think losing weight might just be the hardest thing to do, start by grabbing a bottle or a glass of water!

Drinking Enough Water Is The Key To Beautiful Skin

The skin is the largest organ in your entire body. It is also the most delicate organ. Hence, many people spend hundreds of dollars on skincare to keep their skin moisturized and maintain that natural glow. When asked about their skincare routine, many celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston and Beyoncé claim that water plays a part in their skincare. Water not only rejuvenates the body but also provides the hydration that your skin desperately needs in order to stay moisturized. With that being said, here are 5 reasons why drinking enough water is the key to beautiful skin.


1. Water helps moisturize and improve your skin tone

Water is the key to proper skin hydration. This helps prevent the skin from drying out or secreting excessive amounts of oil that can result in undesirable skin tone. Proper hydration would help the skin to remain fair throughout the day, especially in cold seasons where the air is dry. In addition, one study conducted by the University of Missouri-Columbia found that getting proper hydration can result in better blood flow for your skin and increase your overall skin complexion.


2. Enough hydration helps prevent acne

Acne is a common skin problem shared by almost everyone. This is no surprise since our pores are exposed to dirt and bacteria throughout the day. However, with good hydration, your skin has a better balance of oil and water. This prevents the skin from being too oily or too dry and prevents clogged pores that can lead to many different forms of acne. Moreover, having good hydration also helps with smaller pores and prevents acne breakouts.


3. Water helps the skin maintain its tightness

After going through weight loss, you might notice that your skin is starting to sag and lose its natural tightness. The sagginess is most common in areas such as waist, upper arm, leg, and jawline. Drinking an ample amount of water can slowly help your skin gain back its elasticity and tighten your skin once again.


4. Water plays a role in maintaining your pH balance

Your skin has a natural pH of 5.5, but the pollutants and makeup you apply onto your face can alter the pH level, hence your skin complexion. Although proper cleansing can significantly help restore a balanced pH level, hydration is another factor that should not be dismissed. Getting enough hydration can help balance your body’s pH level and prevent blemishes.


5. Water assists your body in flushing out toxins

Detox is commonly known as the procedure in which you flush harmful toxins out of your body to achieve flawless skin. Although many people opt to consume juices and other vitamin-infused beverages, water is just as good as the other method. Drinking sufficient amounts of water will help your excretory system function better and eliminate harmful waste from your body.


It is clear why some people mention water as the easiest method to achieve better skin complexion. Water provides numerous benefits that should not to be overlooked. Not only does it help the skin looks better, water also rejuvenates and strengthens the function of this important organ. In short, if you are looking to improve your skin condition and maintain its fairness, getting proper hydration should be at the top of your priority list. Add drinking enough water to your steps of skincare routine, because it is just as important – if not more!

The Importance of Drinking Water During and After Exercise

Did you know, right after exercising, most of the weight you lose directly is from water loss, and not from fat. Whether you exercise to lose weight, to stay healthy or whether you are an athlete, staying hydrated is especially important for those practicing energy-intensive sports. Your body significantly heats up in the process of exercising, and in order to cool down, the body releases water in the form of sweat. This can significantly deplete the body of its hydration. Drinking water would help your body restore the much-needed hydration as well as providing various other health benefits to those seeking to adopt a healthier lifestyle.


1. Your body lose water during exercise

As you work out, your body burns a tremendous amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat, turning them into energy. This process causes the body to heat up and causes your heart to beat faster, as well as recognizably heat up from the activities. During this process, plenty of water are lost in sweating and perspiration or breathing.


2. Why do I need water during and after exercising?

Since water makes up 75 percent of your overall muscle tissues, proper hydration is required to support those tissues. In other words, water helps your body achieve its peak physical performance. In the case of dehydration, your performance can severely be impacted and it can cause other problems such as muscle cramps. Given that the joint is also primarily composed of water, dehydration can also cause joint pain.


3. How much water should I drink during and after exercising?

The amount of water you should drink depends on the activities, type of sport and the amount of sweat you lose. However, as a general rule of thumb, the American Council on exercise recommends an intake of approximately 200-300mL or 7 to 10 ounces of water every 20 minutes during your workout session. That’s approximately a glass of water every 20 minutes!

You should also drink water after working out since that is when your body can take in water efficiently. It is also recommended to drink another cup of water 30 minutes after working out in order to restore and balance your body’s water supply.  


4. What you should avoid drinking while exercising

After you lose a lot of hydration, you would feel a heavy sensation of thirst. It is not recommended to drink sugary beverages after a workout because the thirstiness would prompt you into drinking more than you should. Sugary substances are high in calories and it can severely impact your body, especially if you are trying to lose weight.

Although coffee or beverages containing caffeine are known for their performance boosting abilities, it should only be enjoyed before working out. Caffeine increases your body’s stress hormone, cortisol. Caffeine can also make you urinate more often, disrupt your diet, and cause further dehydration.


To conclude, whether you are exercising for a healthy lifestyle or practicing extreme sport, water should always be an essential part of your routine. As seen for their benefits, and how your body desperately needs water, it would be very convenient to always bring a bottle of water wherever you go. The next time you go out for a jog or to the gym, always remember, water is your best friend!

Amazing Ways Water Can Improve Your Health

Water is an essential part of life that makes up around 60% of the human body. Understanding the significance of water, there is a Slovakian proverb that says “pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine”. This cannot be any truer, as getting enough hydration is associated with a healthy lifestyle in the current society. In fact, the average Cambodian carries a bottle of water with them everywhere they go!

With that in mind, here are 6 amazing ways that drinking water can benefit your health:  


1. Maintain the body fluid:

Seeing how water makes up such a big proportion of the human body, drinking enough water plays an important role in maintaining the right balance of body fluid. Water is absorbed by our intestine and makes up the blood that comprises the circulatory system. It also formulates other biofluids such as saliva, mucus, sweat and more. In retrospect, water helps the organ, and the organ system performs its duty in sustaining the body. 


2. Regulate the body temperature 

Water acts as a thermoregulator, meaning that it helps the body maintain the right temperature, allowing each organ to conduct their function properly. Water has a role in dissipating heat as part of homeostasis. When the body is too hot, water helps reduce extreme heat through sweat and evaporation of sweat from the skin surface. This process produces a cooling effect and protects the body from overheating. 


3. Moisturize the skin

Our skin is considered to be the widest organ in the body. Its function is to protect the body from external pollutants, toxins and pathogens. Many studies have pointed out that drinking enough water would moisturize the skin and keep the skin healthy by flushing out harmful toxins and maintaining the right pH level. Seeing how water is so essential for the skin, it is no wonder that many claim that getting enough hydration also prevents wrinkles, reduces acne and helps the skin maintain its elasticity. 


4. Helps your body eliminate waste

Water does more than quench your thirst! The excretory system depends on water to function, since many forms of waste such as mucus, urine and sweat are liquid-based. As a matter of fact, drinking a lot of water is considered by many as a prime method for detox. With enough water inside your body, the excretory system will do their job in getting rid of toxins through urine, sweats and even perspiration! 


5. Protect your spinal cord and joints

Water makes up 80% of the cartilage that is located at your joint. Water helps lubricate the joint and provides the joint with its elasticity and resistance to shock. Without sufficient intake of water, the spinal cord and joints will become more vulnerable to shock. Moreover, severe dehydration can even lead to joint pain.


6. Deliver oxygen throughout the body

Blood is made up almost entirely of water. In the circulatory system, the heart pumps blood throughout the entire body. In this process, drinking water helps improve the blood circulation, where the red blood cells carry oxygen to the parts that need them. Additionally, warm water is extra beneficial for the blood circulation since it promotes the expansion of small capillaries. It also helps muscles relax and reduce pain! 


It is clear that drinking enough water does wonders for our body, whether it is to regulate our body temperature, eliminate waste, or deliver oxygen. The body can go up to 10-14 days without food, but it can only sustain itself for 3 days without water. Seeing this, it is clear that drinking 1.5-2 liters of clean water is absolutely mandatory for your body! Adapt a healthy lifestyle, always bring a bottle of water with you anywhere you go!