Water quality is of the utmost importance to SL HI-TECH and the company’s dedicated operators take their job and duties very seriously to ensure the quality of drinking water and to meet local & international standard. We strongly believe that Health is Wealth, therefore we are determined to deliver the highest quality bottled water to our value customer for daily consumption.
Our water has been on Cambodia market for more than two decades, continuously supported and consumed by local and international customers, we would like to show our gratitude to our customer and devoted to maintain the standard.
We aim to provide high quality water with affordable price to our society, so everyone can drink pure and safe water. We care more about people’s health.
Due to Covid-19 widely spread, all employees are fully vaccinated to meet the requirement of government and to ensure the safety of our product to customer.
During Covid-19 crisis, we have contributed our drinking water to Ministry of health and districts in Phnom Penh city to those who in needs and particularly Covid-19 patient.
To participate and show encouragement in social activities, we have constantly contributed our water to UYFC (Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia) for their social campaigns.